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Fine arts portfolio

by: Alejandro arias



My project consisted in hanging up 100 pencils that meant the 100 percent of the population in Colombia, where 76 percent where sharpened because this percent had education and the sharpened pencil means education and the 24 percent that where 24 pencils where clean because the pencils weren't used and this meant that the the 24 percent of kids worked instead of having education and in the center was a cardboard that had written education and it had tools of work in the top that meant that the work is finsihing with the education of kids.


At the beginning of the year I didn't knew what I was going to do with my project but one week before the presentation of the shark tank I had an idea. The day of the shark tank I arrived and presented my day and the judges didn't liked the presentation so they didn't bought my idea. Then I saw my comments and wanted to improve my project based on the comments people gave so Alejandra helped me a lot to be more concrete with my conceptual approach and showed me new references that gave me an idea of my project., The day I started working with the 100 pencils it was very frustrating because I started doing to with nylon and all the nylon was tangled so I changed the material to kite nylon and this was much better. When I finished when the 100 pencils and arrived to the school I had problems hanging up them because there were a little bit tangled but I the end I did it. The teachers told me that I made work my idea and to have a clear conceptual approach, I used the correct materials for my project and I made an aesthetic approach and also my curatorial decisions were correct because I did it in a place that was very low and a yellow that contrasted in a correct way. To conclude, I think the comments received by people helped me a lot to have a good result of my work so I think shark tanks and the papers with the comment is an important tool so we have a good project that everyone likes.

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